
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baked bread koftas - My first ever blog hop

I have always been interested in cooking and learning new recipes. One of the best things to happen after I started blogging is that I actively look for food blogs in the blogosphere in addition to my cook books, magazines, cookery shows and other sources. I chanced on the talented Radhika's Tickling Palates soon after I started blogging and linked a few of my posts to her ongoing monthly events. She has a busy blog with many events and the Blog Hop Wednesday caught my fancy since I saw it. It is such a neat way to know people with similar interests and also learn from each other. I was hesitant to register for blog hops as I was a new bee and didn't have much content on my blog for others to choose from. I gathered courage a couple of weeks back and Radhika very generously paired me up with another blogger for the March blog hop and patiently responded to all my eager questions about the event. So here I am with my first ever blog hop.

When I first visited Jayanthi's Sizzlingveggies blog, I was so impressed by her experimentation in presenting common, known recipes with a twist (of ingredients or way of cooking). Her recipes entice you not only to try them but also think of variations to make it better just like she does. Some of the unusual recipes from her blog like the oats pakora kadhi (book marked for later), a poornam filled puff pastry, pineapple quinoa kesari go on to show the breadth of her experimentation with recipes and making them interesting. I am sure I will visit her blog regularly for updates.

While it was not easy to choose one from my blog hop partner's recipes, I finally zeroed in on the baked bread koftas for 2 reasons - given I am a borderline health freak, I like the idea of baked koftas and it was loaded with the Spinach goodness. Here I go with minor variations of my own to Jayanthi's yummy Baked bread koftas in spinach gravy for the Blog Hop Wednesday.
What do you need to make Baked bread Koftas? 
Kofta ingredients: 
1 cup Bread crumbs (I used store bought plain bread crumbs) or 4 slices of bread
1 cup finely chopped spinach
1 Tsp salt (adjust to taste)
1 green chili - finely chopped
2-3 sprigs of cilantro - finely chopped
1 inch piece of ginger - crushed fine in a mortar & pestle or grated
2 Tblsp of water
Spinach Gravy ingredients:
2 cups packed spinach
1/2 cup yogurt
1 Tsp salt (adjust to taste)
1 medium onion - cut half the onion into chunks and the other half into fine choppings
1 medium tomato - chopped into bite size pieces
1 Tsp red chili powder
1 Tsp garam masala powder
1 Tsp dhania-jeera (coriander-cumin) powder
1 Tsp cumin seeds
1 inch piece of ginger root - chopped into thin strips
1.5 Tblsp cooking oil

How do you make Baked bread koftas? 
Making koftas: 
  • Preheat oven to 375F
  • Mix all the kofta ingredients in a bowl.
  • Add water little by little to make a firm dough. Use just enough water to bind the ingredients together.
  • Pinch off small lime sized balls and arrange them on a baking sheet. I made 12 key lime size koftas (not counting the one that vanished before it ever entered the oven :-))
  • Bake for 15 minutes, turn the balls around and bake for another 15 mins until the koftas crisp up from all sides. I timed a total of 30 minutes for koftas in the oven at 375F.

Making gravy: 
  • Heat 1 Tblsp oil in a pan, add the ginger, roughly chopped onion and fry for a couple of minutes until onions sweat a little and turn pink.
  • Add chopped tomato and fry until it is cooked soft. 
  • Add spinach, mix it in and cover and continue to cook for 3 minutes until the leaves wilt completely. 
  • Add the dry powders, mix it,  switch off and let it cool. 
  • Blend the mixture into a smooth paste and keep it aside. 
  • Heat remaining oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and let it sizzle, add the reserved finely chopped onions and fry until they turn soft and light pink. 
  • Pour in the ground spinach, add salt, yogurt and bring it to a gentle boil. 
  • Keep the gravy warm for serving, add the koftas into the gravy 10 minutes before serving for it to soak up the gravy.
  • We had the koftas in gravy with rice. 

Notes & changes I did to the original recipe: 
  • I skipped garam masala & red chili powder in the koftas to keep it mild. 
  • I skipped garlic in the gravy as I don't use it much.
  • I used bread crumbs instead of bread slices since I had the crumbs in pantry.
  • I added more spinach into both the koftas and gravy as we like greens. 

The spicy gravy and the mild koftas complemented very well. These yummy koftas in gravy are off to Blog Hop Wednesdays ~ Week 16


  1. nice idea of baking kofta looking yum
    1st time here happy to follow u do visit my site

  2. First time here on ur space.. Really nice recipe!. I have to try baking my koftas.. Sounds soo yummy

  3. Loved your baked koftas they loo finger licking good.

  4. koftas look delightful and the gravy s too good

  5. Sounds so so healthy and nice recipe :)

  6. Thanks all for visiting and your feedback

  7. Simply awesome recipe ! Tried the recipe ..was delicious ...Baked koftas were tasty and so...healthy !

  8. liked the idea, you use spinach both in the kofta and the curry -gravy


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