
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tomato Juice - Bidding adieu to comfort zones and embracing changing seasons

This day was inevitable and I saw it coming for quite some time now. Despite all the preparations - both physical & emotional, it was a very nervous moment. We stood by silently watching her pack her bag, check the wallet for the insurance proof and the newly acquired driver's license, as she turned around, gave a hug each and said before I could open my mouth, "I will call as soon as I reach there, Amma", that seemed to surge a flood of emotions inside. I stood there at the front door, anxious but trying not to show it to the little girl as she picked up the keys and confidently strode over to the driver's seat. We watched until the car turned the street corner and went back to purposefully cleaning the living room until the phone rang and we heard the dear voice say, "I am here, will call you later". The cleaning went a little bit more briskly after that and the air didn't seem to hang so heavily around us.
It was not a long drive, less than 15 minutes from home, she knew the roads well as we take those every week. The only difference was that she got her own license last week and drove there all by herself for the first time. A big deal for us parents and many a anxious waits until she calls in. The little girl is not a toddler anymore but a confident teenager rearing to explore the world and also do things on her own. Wish I could hold on for just a little longer for those years when I had to lower my eyes to talk to the tiny girl hopping along with me every where I went, the little girl that used to sing in the back seat while fishing up snacks from her bowl as we drove back home or the tired one that dozed off in front seat on the way home from a long drive or the chatter box that never stopped talking excitedly about her day at school or a camp she attended or the dorky one that would be thinking about some homework due the next day. Every change indicates she is growing up into her own person and not dependent on us any longer, it is how it should be and I feel happy that she has the conviction  to take on her challenges and learn along the way, yet at the same time, I feel that this inevitable change is coming too soon. Letting go is never easy especially when you love someone so dearly. I think about my parents as they saw us pass through these different phases and makes me appreciate and understand them a little bit more. It is a strange period in my life as I look back to see my parents' generation slowing down, sun setting and look forward to see a bright horizon with opportunities for my kids' generation, bitter and sweet at the same time.
Sunday is officially the beginning of Autumn, while bidding adieu to a bright and beautiful Summer, I want to embrace the Autumn and its colors with equal gratefulness and poise. Summer was glorious contrary to what many predicted but then who says Autum is not going to be good? I am looking forward to sweaters, long walks on the crinkly crisp fallen leaves and multitudes of hues all around. After all, it is nature's way of growing and growing up, right?

My tomato vines are still going strong and I picked another bushel of bright red, ripe tomatoes yesterday and made a simple, flavor packed juice to celebrate and say 'so long' to Summer. There is no recipe here, but I give you a few lines of 'how to's in case you want to see it. Also, I caught some really nice pics that totally captures the soul of this simple juice. Here is to changing seasons, growth and change in general.
What do you need to make Tomato juice?
Makes 3 servings
3 ripe, juicy medium sized tomatoes
1 Tsp lemon/lime juice
3 Tsp sugar (adjust to taste)
5-6 mint leaves

How do you make Tomato juice?
  • Wash, pat dry and chop tomatoes.
  • Take all ingredients to blender except water and make a smooth puree.
  • Sieve the puree through a fine sieve to catch seeds and tomato skin.
  • Taste & adjust to your liking. Add water for desired consistency.
  • Chill and serve :-)


  1. hearty congrats to your DD. for her successful driving the car on her own. whose car? Mom's or Dad's? you must have
    cool down with nice tomato juice .
    good writing

  2. slurp... the color of the juice is very appealing...

  3. We never know how time flies :) though my daughter is still young, i could connect to u n feel ur anxiety..
    Btw awesome clicks.. n a good cooler to cool u :)

  4. Thanks all for your comments.
    @Wer SAHM - I loved the color too :-), it is so pleasing.

    @Smitha - every age has its changes, enjoy the time with your little girl.

  5. Omg, congrats to her..Proud moments and enjoy it Nagashree..

    Juice looks extremely delicious,very pleasing and appealing.


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